Exemption liability

London Language College (LLC) is a legal entity in London with UKRLP code (UK Register of Learning Providers) number 10087369 and approved to participate in the ESFA programme (the Education and Skills Funding Agency) of the UK government.

Pursuant to the unfair competition laws of the UK and the European Union, group of rules of the Schengen area, in order to ensure transparency in activities, avoid misunderstandings, misinterpretations, partial understandings and/or unintentionally and/or deliberately influence London Language College’s students, of our partners London Language College and of London Language College itself, we hereby disclaim exemption liability below.

London Language College (LLC) owns CEFR English and TESOL Gate. LLC is owned by European Education Holdings and is a member of the Modern Language Association (MLA).

Legal features of London Language College

LLC owns specialised English trademarks

LLC owns the CEFR English and TESOL Gate independent testing and training trademarks and systems. CEFR English and TESOL Gate’s trademarks, systems and operations are all operating under license and accreditation, recognition of LLC.


LLC programme activities are accredicted and recognized

London Language College (LLC)’s programmes are accredited and recognised by Ofqual UK.Gov, qualifications are awarded by the UK’s national qualifications framework. LLC is also a member of The Modern Language Association.

Operate according to PPP model - Practise & Preparation Provider

LLC provides the right of PPP (Practise & Preparation Provider) to partners with the task of preparing, reviewing, and organising practise in English. PPP is only responsible for training and testing, does not interfere with the results.


LLC has the exclusive right in testing and recognising results

The Practise & Preparation Provider (PPP) partner implementing the programmes of CEFR English and TESOL Gate only organise training and practice. All testing and End Point Accessment is performed by LLC.


LLC is a legal entity registered in the UK

London Language College (LLC) is a statutory legal entity in the UK, granted UK Register of Learning Providers number No.10087369 and approved to join ESFA by the UK government.

LLC does not commit to the terms which not belongs to the authority

LLC, partners, LLS’s PPP do not commit to the terms which not belongs to their authority such as recognition at the workplace after completing the programme, the ability to get promoted and get a job after graduation…


LLC does not undertake

Pursuant to the license of the London Language College, the LLC accreditation, based on the the international qualifications accreditation regulations under the National Qualifications Recognition System (NARIC), the right and responsibility regulations of partner organisations, LLC does not commit to:

  • Do not guarantee to graduate if you fail to meet the academic requirements specified by the partner and the LLC partner’s academic rules and procedures
  • No commitment that the degree will be recognised or accepted by a 3rd party. The admission belongs to the authority of the third party and LLC encourages checking before registering.
  • Do not commit to the automatic promotion in career after graduation, career success or other further development issues
  • Do not commit that the qualification achieved is accepted at the current agency (decision belongs to the receiving agency)
  • Do not commit to be able to immigrate or settle down after graduation. The decision belongs to the immigration authorities of its country.
  • Do not commit that the qualification is equivalent to other countries’ qualification (The responsibility belongs to the Ministry of Education of its country)

LLC's commitments


London Language College - UK Nationally Recognized Programs